Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Isa!

Happy Birthday Isa! I can't believe it's already been a year. I can still remember going to visit Jen and Jeremy in the hospital when Isa was born. Her party was at her Grandmommy's new house in Vinings, which was beautiful!
The birthday girl was still napping when we arrived, so Ava took the opportunty to explore her new surroundings. She found two steps from the kitchen down into the mud room and she kept going up and down the stairs- it must have been 50 times. It was the first time Ava walked down steps all by herself and she was so proud!
Ava also loved playing out in the yard with Zach and Bryce. Even though she really didn't get how to throw and catch the frisbee with the boys, she loved being out in the yard and in the middle of the action. Don't tell her Daddy that she's already chasing after boys! :)
Ava had fun helping Isa open and "test" out all her presents. Isa was so cute wearing her butterfly wings around- she was running around on a sugar high from all the cake! By the end of the party, Ava was tired and crashed in Isa's pink snuggle chair. She didn't make it out of the neighborhood before falling asleep (and Victoria and Bart's house is the first one in the neighborhood). What a fun party!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Learning to Share...

Last week we went to the water park, White Water. While we didn't really keep the camera out to take pictures, we did get this sweet moment on film. Ava's friend Emmie Lindros got an ice cream sandwich before we left for the day. Ava said "Ava want it" and we told her to ask Emmie nicely. Ava walked up to Emmie and said "pease" and Emmie, without prompting, was sweet enough to share her ice cream sandwich with her. What polite little girls!

As you can see, both Emmie and Ava enjoyed the ice cream sandwich!

Yummy! Thanks for sharing Emmie! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guess what Ava wanted for dinner tonight?

As I was bringing in the groceries from the car, Ava decided she couldn't wait for dinner. She walked right into the pantry and helped herself to some raisins! Jason and I are really going to have to make sure that door stays closed! Out of all the snacks on the shelf, at least she chose something somewhat healthy :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sister Hazel Concert

On Saturday night, Jason and I had a night out- woohoo! We went to the Sister Hazel concert at Chastain with Trey and Melissa Haunson. They are our SH concert buddies- I think this was the third or fourth one we've been to together. Sister Hazel performed with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and also had a high school choir singing back-up- AMAZING! They sounded much better than they do on their CD's. Despite the rain and the frizzy hair, we had great wine, yummy dessert, and fantastic company~ what a great night!

We had so much fun hanging out with The Haunsons!

Trey and Melissa's close-up

This was taken right after the rain stopped, don't you love the post rain glow?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Stein Family Blog Begins!

I've finally started our blog! I've wanted to start it for a while and finally found a free night.
This is the easiest way to keep our friends far and near updated on our life and posted on what's happening with us without flooding your inboxes with emails and hundreds of photos- I can't help it, I LOVE pictures. :)
So, visit as often as you like and enjoy!
Love to you,