Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Fun Day at the Farm

Jason, Ava, GG, Grandma and I took a little field trip up to Ellijay to visit some of our friends, Bob and Chris Donath, at their beautiful farm! Ava has gotten so good at identifying animals in her books and making all the appropriate animal sounds that we thought she would love to see some animals in person. We drove up to the Donaths picturesque land and were greeted by their two dogs. Mr. and Mrs. Donath were lovely hosts and showed us all around their farm and introduced us to all of their animals. Ava didn't know what to think of meeting all the animals in person and was so nervous! She was afraid to touch any of them until she came into the goats pen. Dolly was a little 6 month old cutie who was so sweet and loved the attention. Mrs. Donath had bottle fed her when she was a baby and she was definitely a hit with Ava. Ava also loved the cows- Bosco and Peaches. Then there was Gilbert, the donkey. He was the immediate favorite- Ava was fascinated with him and kept asking "where was Shrek?"
After the tour, we relaxed in rocking chairs on the front porch and Ava got to taste her first root beer float- she loved it! GG and Jason took Ava to go pick some fruit and vegetables out of the Donaths garden- Ava's fingers were stained red from picking and eating so many raspberries! We took home many, many bags of yummy raspberries, tomatoes, squash, and peppers. It was so sweet of the Donaths to share with us, and it was definitely the best deal on organic produce that we've ever gotten!
We had such a fun day and enjoyed watching Ava experience many firsts. We can't wait to go back and visit soon. Thanks again to Mr. and Mrs. Donath for sharing their farm with us!

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