Monday, June 29, 2009

Caitlin's Birthday Party

In the hospital, when Caitlin arrived, we told Ava that it was her actual BIRTH-day. Ava LOVES to sing happy birthday and go to birthday parties and almost every other day it is Ava's birthday and we have to sing happy birthday to her (isn't it amazing what you will go along with as parents to keep your child happy??). So, Ava was very excited that it was Caitlin's birthday and asked if we could have a party for her. On the way home from the hospital, Alina (the best aunt ever!) picked up some cupcakes and we had an impromptu party for Caitlin.

Somehow, I don't think Ava cared who's birthday it was, just as long as she got to eat a cupcake! :)

More Hospital Pictures

Uncle Tony was our first visitor right after Caitlin was born
Papa and Linda got to the hospital just as Caitlin was arriving
Ava wanted to help feed Caitlin, but she was too distracted by the cartoons on TV

Ava loved pushing all the buttons on the bed- here she's eating pancakes from my oh so delicious hospital breakfast- apparently Ava likes the hospital food!

Uncle Jeremy came for a visit

Jen came too!

Aunt Alina

I love this picture!

Here's Ava trying to "help" with feeding again

Nonna and her 4th grandchild!

Bobbilin and Caitlin- we were glad she and Matt got a chance to stop by before they left for the summer!

Kim and Len came by to visit

Check out Caitlin's purple toes!

Pretty in Purple

This is Caitlin's Popeye look- she gives it to us all the time. I have a feeling that it will develop into the one eyebrow raise as soon as she can master the muscles :)

Catching one more nap before heading home from the hospital

Going home with my girls

OMG!! Two carseats!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Caitlin Della Stein

Caitlin Della Stein ... our sweet angel

Caitlin is here!! Our sweet baby girl arrived on Friday night, June 26 at 10:29 pm. She was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 18 inches long- a whole pound bigger than her sister!

Caitlin has a head full of dark hair (we already knew that, thanks to all the heartburn) and beautiful big eyes. For right now, they are dark, but they already look like they will turn blue soon. She has two scabs on the insides of both of her wrists from sucking on them in utero- she has definitely taken to her pacifier and we're trying to use that instead of her wrists or thumb!
Labor and delivery was a much better experience this time around and Caitlin came in just 6 and a half hours- half the time it took for Ava! Caitlin arrived in this world screaming- you should hear her screech! We have nicknamed her Caitlin-saurus because she sounds like a teradactyl whenever she's upset. Ava thinks that it's hilarious when Caitlin cries and giggles everytime Caitlin makes a peep. Jason and I are taking bets on how long it will take Ava to move from laughing when Caitlin cries to asking us to take her back to where she came from.
We were discharged on Sunday morning and it was a little surreal to put both girls in the backseat and drive home as a family of four.
We are all already in love with this sweet little wad of a person who has turned our world as we know it upside down- we can't wait to learn who Caitlin is and what her personality will be. She is changing daily and I wish we could freeze each precious moment- it already feels like time is moving too fast!
Thank you to all of our family and friends who helped watch Ava over the weekend, brought us delicious dinners and lots of flowers and presents- we are truly blessed and appreciate all the phone calls, texts, well wishes, and most of all love.

Our first meeting

Weighing in
Falling in love

Caitlin's First Bath- she did not like it!
This was the only pic we got where she wasn't screaming!
The new big sister was so excited to meet and hold Caitlin!

Snoozing on Daddy- the best place to be

4th of July Parade

This morning Ava had her 4th of July parade at school. She was so excited about her parade that she marched all around the house before we left for school. Jason and Tony met us there- Ava was so excited that her Uncle came to see her parade. I think that it really made her feel special that he was there.
As always, going to the parades and seeing all the creative art projects and fun that Ava has makes Jason and I very grateful that she goes to the school that she does.

Check out the cool shaker and hat she made!

Ava and all her friends marching

Too cool in my Ariel sunglasses...

Ava was so excited that Uncle Tony came

Mommy, Daddy and Ava- I promise we did not plan to match today :)