Monday, June 29, 2009

More Hospital Pictures

Uncle Tony was our first visitor right after Caitlin was born
Papa and Linda got to the hospital just as Caitlin was arriving
Ava wanted to help feed Caitlin, but she was too distracted by the cartoons on TV

Ava loved pushing all the buttons on the bed- here she's eating pancakes from my oh so delicious hospital breakfast- apparently Ava likes the hospital food!

Uncle Jeremy came for a visit

Jen came too!

Aunt Alina

I love this picture!

Here's Ava trying to "help" with feeding again

Nonna and her 4th grandchild!

Bobbilin and Caitlin- we were glad she and Matt got a chance to stop by before they left for the summer!

Kim and Len came by to visit

Check out Caitlin's purple toes!

Pretty in Purple

This is Caitlin's Popeye look- she gives it to us all the time. I have a feeling that it will develop into the one eyebrow raise as soon as she can master the muscles :)

Catching one more nap before heading home from the hospital

Going home with my girls

OMG!! Two carseats!!

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