Sunday, September 12, 2010

Caitlin's First Date

Logan Haunson came over for a dinner date with Caitlin today. Caitlin was so excited to see him that she shared her favorite riding toy with no problems. They scandously swapped drool over some shared toys and then sat down to a lovely appetizer of yogurt melts.

Caitlin was so glad to play with such a handsome younger man :)

Caitlin was showing Logan around the house

What a cutie pie! Jason and I totally approve of this relationship

Since most of our playdates are with Ava's friends, Caitlin was ecstatic to have someone close to her age to play with!

Of course, Jason and I were also happy to see and visit with Melissa! Since Melissa and her husband Trey moved to Florida, we don't get to see them as often as we would like... but we will take playdates whenever we can get them! Caitlin is already counting down to the next one...

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