Thursday, September 1, 2011

Best. Concert. Ever

Maroon 5 AND Train in one concert... could it get any better? 
It was the ultimate pairing of my most favorite bands-

and Adam Levine was not too bad to look at... just sayin'  :)

My date for the evening was definitely hotter, though!

This was our third time seeing Train in 12 months-
and they were just as amazing, if not better, as they were the first two times!
We were lucky to share the evening with some great friends! 
The last Train concert we went to with Ben and Nikki was at Chastain, where the four of us shared four bottles of wine... it was a night where many memories were made and one that I will probably hear about for years!  Needless to say, it was {probably} a good thing that the concert was on a Thursday night and everyone had to go to work the next day so there were no repeat performances. 

I could have danced and sang (loudly) all night... and the next night... and the next night...
 I can't wait until the next one! 

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