Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ava and Uncle Tony

Tonight, Tony, Alina, Gigi and Grandma all came over to celebrate Alina starting a job with Starwood Hotels and Resorts- Congratulations to Alina!! Ava, as always, loves hanging out with her Uncle Tony (no matter which one- she calls Alina 'Tony' also). Tony was a fun uncle and got down to play with Ava in her tent. They read stories together, named all the animals on the tent and played with her toys. Ava loved having him in there!! She now 'calls' Tony on her Elmo cell phone daily and can't wait to play with him again.

Don't they look like they're having fun??

The real fun (ok, fun-ny!) part came when Tony had to figure out to get out of the tent... but, not many people would get stuck in a tunnel for their niece, so he's the best in our book. :)

1 comment:

Paige said...

Wow Uncle Tony is so sweet to get stuck in the tunnel...not sure I would be brave enough to try.