Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Jason and I went trick or treating around the neighborhood with the Taneri's. Ava loves chasing around after Zach and Bryce- and Halloween was no exception. The first few houses we went to had candy sitting out on the porch and Ava didn't even care to pick it up- Zach, on the other hand, was really sweet and always made sure that he got one for himself and one for Ava. He helped her put the candy in her bucket. One of our neighbors had a really creepy house, but it didn't seem to bother Ava at all- she walked right up to them and stared- no matter how much we prompted or asked, she wouldn't say Trick or Treat. She has been saying Trick or Treat all week long, but she ended up choking when it came down to it- she made me proud, though, and said Thank You every time. Her favorite part of the evening was riding in the wagon with Zach and Bryce. She loved climbing in and out of it and when the boys weren't in it, she kept switching seats not quite sure which way she wanted to face when she was riding.
After trick or treating, we came back to our house and let the kids continue playing while the adults enjoyed some adult conversation and hot chocolate.

Happy Halloween everyone!!

1 comment:

Paige said...

She is the cutest princess ever! I wish I could get a big pink dress like that!