Saturday, October 25, 2008

Homecoming 2008

Jason and Ava went to cheer on Georgia Tech against UVA at the Homecoming game this year. They met up with the Bishops and Ava and Christian had fun hanging out together. Nikki was so sweet to bring Ava a cute warm-up jacket like Christian's- a couple people walking by asked if they were twins! They spent some time at the house, walked over to yellow jacket alley and Ava looked for Buzzes on the way to the stadium. Ava lasted until the 2nd quarter and then she was over all the excitement. It was a gorgeous day but an unfortunate loss for the Yellow Jackets.
Better Luck next year...
Looking too cool in my shades to smile

Posing with Buzz

Daddy and Ava

Let us outta heeere!!

Notice Ava holding onto Jason's ear for support

I can picture her in this same pose 5 years from now on a soccer team

On their way to the stadium

I love this picture

Ben and Christian

The Bishop Family

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