Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ava's First Haircut

Jason finally twisted my arm enough about getting Ava's hair cut (it was getting a tad long), so we took her to Pigtails and Crew Cuts. Pigtails and Crew Cuts is specifically a kids salon- they have a play room with tons of toys, a train table, movies playing, a table covered with paper to color on- it was perfect to keep Ava entertained. When our time finally came, Ava chose to sit in the airplane and Ms. Keisha, her stylist, was so sweet! Ava sat still for the whole time and wasn't even bothered by the hair dryer. It was a great experience- we'll definitely be back!

The first snip!

Driving the airplane

Being patient... almost done

All done! Ms. Keisha put Ava's barrette back in her hair

Picking out our prize for sitting so still

1 comment:

Paige said...

What a cutie! Love her new haircut!