Ava was feeling a bit under the weather all day on Halloween, but she was a trooper all day long. She went to bed an hour later than usual and slept without a peep until about midnight. At midnight she woke up crying and I had to rock her back down. Again at 2 am, she was up crying and I gave her some water and rocked her back down. At 4am, she was crying again and I picked her up out of her crib and was holding her trying to quiet her. She started gagging and then proceeded to throw up all over us not once, not twice, but 4 times!!!! YUCK! I know what you're thinking... Ava didn't even eat any candy! Poor little thing just had a 24 hour bug. One of the only thoughts that crossed my mind at 4 am was that at least she didn't get any on the carpet or in her crib for me to clean up. We both took a very early morning bath and I got Ava settled back down for the rest of the night.
When Ava was an infant, I got peed on and I got spit up on, but nothing quite prepares you for a moment like last night. When that little sweet face was looking at me with tears pouring down her face and I had throw up pooled in my t-shirt- all I could think about was making her feel better. I feel that last night was my official induction into the mom sorority and anything else somewhat gross that happened in the past 20 months was just hazing. Welcome to the club... :)
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3 hours ago
1 comment:
You are such a good mom Allison! I hope Ava is feeling better!
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