Sunday, December 14, 2008

December Parties- busy, busy, busy...

December always brings Christmas parties, crazy hours at Swoozies, shopping, decorating and for us lots of birthday parties! Ava's social calendar was very full this year with back to back Saturday birthday parties for Kyle Fischer and Zach and Bryce Taneri. Kyle's 3rd birthday party was at DacKids, a fun pirate themed place that's like a big indoor sandbox. Zach (who turned 5) and Bryce (who turned 3) had a reptile themed party at JumpIts, with lots of jumpees. With all of the fun things to do at both places, Ava's favorite part of birthday parties is the birthday cake! She loves to sing happy birthday because she knows what comes after. She definitely has my sweet tooth :)
We had so much fun celebrating with all of our friends! Happy Birthday Kyle, Zach and Bryce!

Uncle Tony is Ava's favorite friend to play with!

Ava and Dylan could barely see over the table,
but there was no way they were missing out on cake!!


Ava climbing through the jungle gym at JumpIts

Ava going down the slide with Daddy- for some reason she is being a big scaredy cat and won't go down any slide (no matter how big) by herself.

The birthday boys Zach and Bryce

Again, patiently waiting on cake...

Dylan was driving Ava on their first date- needless to say, Jason was not happy about this! :)

Hi Jeremy and Isa!!

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