One of my favorite things to get me in the holiday spirit is decorating the Christmas tree. I love unpacking the ornaments, one by one, and remembering who gave it to us or where we bought it or the memory behind it. It's actually a long and torturous process- Jason hates decorating the Christmas tree (don't tell him, but I don't really blame him!), so Gigi and Grandma came over to help. My favorite ornaments are the ones that I order each year that are personalized with whatever happens to be going on in our lives that year. We have a new house one, a new baby one, a pregnant mom one, Ava's first Christmas and a few others... I love them!
As you can see, Ava was a big helper- she especially liked hanging the gold beads around the tree and modeled them for us as jewelry. She was very opinionated about ornament placement and moved the bottom ornaments around to her liking. In fact, she moved them around almost every day- we only had two casualties the entire month. Overall, I'd say it was a successful christmas tree experience with a toddler!

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