Monday, December 1, 2008

We're Pregnant!!

We are happy to announce that we are expecting our second little baby sometime around July 05! We are so excited and thrilled to be adding to our family- we will find out on February 06th whether it will be another little girl or a boy. And for now, I am slowly gaining my energy back from the horrible month that was December and am anxiously waiting to feel those little flutter kicks so that this whole pregnancy can feel real. I cannot wait to hold another sweet little baby in my arms and can't believe that I am almost halfway through this pregnancy- it is flying by so fast! Right now I'm counting down the days until February 06 so that I can put a name on this little beanie... 18 days to go...


Anna said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :) I'm glad I found your blog. I have one too.

Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl! :)


robfeltus said...

That is such fantastic news. Congratulations to your wonderful family. Time to get some votes in the "Prince" column. :)

Paige said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Oh how wonderful! Ava will be such a great big sister!

The New JC said...
