Aaaah...the pumpkin patch- one my favorite annual fall things to do! This was the 3rd time we have gone to Berry Patch Farms with the Malcoms and I look forward to it every year. I love buying matching shirts for the girls, going on a hayride, finding the perfect pumpkin and taking gorgeous fall family pictures where one will hopefully be good enough to make it onto the Christmas card...
Ha! And then my fantasy stops and reality sets in!! I'm not sure why I build this experience up in my mind every year but this pumpkin patch visit definitely did not go according to plan :)
First of all, it was HOT! No seriously- it was really, really hot! It felt like July in the middle of October! We were all pretty miserable in our jeans, and the kids had on long sleeves. When we went to pick out our pumpkin, we felt like we were baking out in the pumpkin patch in the scorching sun with no shade in sight.
Then, we as parents made an excellent decision and thought that the kids could make it through church and going out to eat and then on to the Pumpkin Patch with a little tiny nap. Smart, right?
Once we got there, Ava wanted her face painted... and instead of choosing a cute little pumpkin, she chose a big scary ghost that took up the whole side of her face dashing all my hopes and dreams of a pretty Christmas card picture.

Exhibit A: The Scary Ghost!
Ava looks like she could fall asleep in the chair if she has to sit there much longer!

Caitlin loved wearing her sunglasses!

Peer pressure is the best... Isa wanted a ghost after Ava got one. Sorry Jen and Jeremy! :)

Caitlin and Daddy

Daddy and Ava enjoying the hayride! At least it was shaded :)

Isa and Mommy

Caitlin wanted to check out and pick up every single pumpkin!

This is the best I could get of all three girls- they wouldn't sit still long enough to get closer together and smile!

Ditto, for this one

This picture makes me laugh because it is really the best one of the bunch

The Malcoms actually got a decent picture~
Welcome baby Bode to our annual pumpkin patch adventure!

So much for pictures with Mommy and her girls...
At least Caitlin is somewhat in the frame :)
After I just let go of all the expectations I had of the Pumpkin Patch, I just had to laugh... it really was funny and one of those priceless parent experiences that everyone has been through. These pictures show a slice of time in our lives where everything is not picture perfect and definitely a lot more realistic than a perfectly posed Christmas card shot... maybe I will end up putting one of these on our Christmas card after all! :)
There's always next year...right guys?
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