This was the first year that we actually carved our pumpkin from the pumpkin patch! In years past, we thought Ava was too little or we ran out of time... but this year we bought the kit from Target and dove right in!

Ava was pretty grossed out by the "guts" of the pumpkin! She only helped pull out a few handfuls and then she decided she had done her part.

Much to our surprise, Caitlin loved the pumpkin slime! She would have played in that bowl of seeds for an hour if we had let her.
Notice Ava in the background watching Spookily, the Square Pumpkin... pumpkin carving was way too boring for her!

She tasted the pumpkin, threw the pumpkin, drew pictures on the table with it... yes, I know it is not particularly 'safe' to let Caitlin sit on our kitchen table :)

Note for next year: pumpkin slime does not come off with just wipes...
Kitchen sink bath may be needed!

Our final product turned out so cute!
Ava was so proud of our pumpkin, even though Daddy did most of the work :)

Halloween is almost here!
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