Friday, July 24, 2009

Just like Mommy

Today we played dress-up and Ava wanted to dress up just like mommy... well, like mommy the princess version :)

She was trying out my lipgloss while I was feeding Caitlin with the strict instructions for her to ONLY put it on her lips- how do you think she did?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Go Braves!

To continue enjoying the gorgeous weekend, we took Caitlin to her first Braves game! Jason was able to get great tickets from his company with 755 club access. We invited Uncle Tony and Aunt Alina to join us- Ava was so excited to hang out with them. We had fun teaching Ava how to do the tomahawk chop, running the base on top of the stadium and running through the misters. Caitlin was so good and slept through most of the game despite the roar of the crowd. It was a perfect evening and the best part was the Braves beat the Giants 11-3! Go Braves!

Ava and I shared a yummy ice cream sandwich sundae at the 755 club. She's definitely my daughter- she has a huge sweet tooth just like me!

Caitlin was doing her usual snuggle on daddy- she never gets this comfortable on me!

Love squeezes

Ava ran the base a million times- she loved running with the big kids!

"Come and get me Daddy!"

Hi, Mom!

A family pic- jason and I have this picture of us sitting in these chairs from about 6 years ago, how times have changed!

Ava LOVED the misters!

Aren't they cute?

Ava could have cared less about watching the game, she loved sitting there talking to all four of us at the same time and being the center of attention

this would be the place that I would normally make a comment about how they look like naturals holding the baby and put pressure on them about having one of their own, but... I'm not going to do that

Ava is so sleepy in this picture, but I love the look on her precious face

I can't until we go again!

The Laser Show 2009

This weekend, the weather was gorgeous! It was in the low 80's with a breeze so we decided to take advantage and go to the laser show at Stone Mountain. The laser show is an Atlanta summer tradition that Jason and I hadn't been to in a couple of years. So, we loaded up the car and the girls and headed down to meet the Bishops. Everyone else had the same brilliant idea that we did so we had to fight through the crowds to find parking and a space on the lawn. We ended up finding a great space where the kids could get up and dance and play and not bother any of our neighbors. We ate the traditional meal of KFC (yum!) and only had about 30 minutes until the show started! Perfect timing... The show was fantastic as always- my favorite song is always Georgia on My Mind and the Devil Went Down to Georgia. Ava thought the lasers were scary and wouldn't watch the show. About halfway through, she started watching the fireworks and ended up really enjoying the experience. What a great night- hopefully it will turn into something that we do every summer as a family.

We brought the wagon- it was a genius idea. Ava and Christian were having fun riding in the wagon and it also held several of our bags. You would not believe how much we felt we had to take to survive the laser show- seriously, you would think we were going on a trip for several days.

Just enjoying some fresh air

Hopefully these two will enjoy hanging out as much as Ava and Christian do...

They really do love hanging out together- aren't they adorable?

Jason and Caitlin

I wish I had filmed them dancing to the music- they were shaking their cute booties!

Everyone's awake- quick, take a picture!

Ben and his boys

They were sharing so well- it made me proud!

The fireworks were so fun!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


We asked Ava to pose in her sunglasses and this is what she came up with... very vogue don't you think?

check out this hottie!

Little Diva in training

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our 2 week (really 3 week) Doctor's appointment

We went for our 2 week appointment today. Caitlin was great- she was sleeping and quiet the whole time. She is really growing and Dr. Kim was really happy with her progress. She is now 8 pounds, 9 ounces and 21 inches long!! Someone's measurements have got to be off since she was only 18 inches 3 weeks ago... or maybe we'll have a supermodel on our hands? :)

We LOVE our pediatrician Dr. Kim- he's so calm, all the babies seem to be mesmerized by him...

Yes, for those without children, they really do use puppy pads to keep the infants from having accidents on their equipment :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Park is Always More Fun with Daddies...

Kim and I are very fortunate to get to meet often at Monkey Joe's to let the girls run around and play. They play so well together and are so cute that we wanted to give Jason and Len a chance to watch and join in the fun. The plan started out as dinner and a trip to Monkey Joe's, but to our dismay, Monkey Joe's closes at 6 on Thursdays. So, we ended up at Chick-fil-A and Swift-Cantrell Park! It was a beautiful evening, but still really hot and humid. Jason and Len didn't care. They ran and chased after Ava and Emmie and wore the girls and themselves out!

Ava and her Daddy

Len and sweet Emmie

Two peas in a pod

This is what they do the whole time- follow each other around and around and around...

She's definitely up to something!

Caitlin enjoying the park...

This is why Daddy is WAY more fun than Mommy at the park- I would never attempt this with Ava, but she LOVED it. I wish I had gotten pictures of her trying to walk after spinning- it looked like something we will be seeing in 20 years after a fun night out :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Fun Day with Friends

On Saturday, the Bishops came over to see Caitlin and let the kids play. We hung out at the pool for a little while and then ate a delicious lasagna and peach cobbler made by Nikki- thanks guys! Ava adores Christian and gets so excited to see him- they really play well together. Ava even shared her fruit snacks with Christian, which in her world is a really big deal! It was a great afternoon spent with friends, which was made even better by not having to cook. There are some serious perks to having a newborn :)

Seriously, aren't they adorable together?

Ben, Nikki and Collin

Ava and her Daddy

This is why Ava has more fun at the pool with her Daddy than with me- he throws her around the whole time!

Ava loved having the boys in her bath tub. Jason made it very clear to her that this was the last time any boy would see her naked

Friday, July 10, 2009

Our Second Week

We survived our second week! It has been a busy week that has passed by in a sleepy blur :) Caitlin has been eating every 3 hours and has started sleeping 5-6 hours in a row at night! We definitely can't complain. I made it a point to get out of the house with Caitlin and Ava and we went to the park and Monkey Joe's and to Publix (trust me, even going to the grocery store is a big deal!). It definitely takes a lot of planning and patience, but I'm getting the hang of it.
We are getting into the swing of things and learning how to handle two little ones. Some of the things we've learned are that Caitlin loves to sleep in her swing or laying on mine or Jason's shoulder, it takes us at least 3.5 hours to get ready if I want to take both girls somewhere and always, always pack 2 bottles (Caitlin's cries are even louder in an enclosed space if she's not fed).
Lots of family and friends were able to meet Caitlin this week, here are a few of the pics!

Aunt Lauri is Caitlin's godmother

This is the super-cute, super yummy cookie bouquet from Lauri

Ava was so excited to introduce Carol and Kristin to her baby sister

Caitlin really liked Kristin- she spit up and pottied on her in a span of about 10 minutes :)

We met Kim and Emmie at Chick-fil-A before going to Monkey Joe's! The day we went, Chick-fil-A was offering free meals to anyone that dressed up like a cow- it kept the girls entertained for the whole meal.

Our little sweetheart

Daddy snuggling with his two little girls