The first week went by in such a blur! I can honestly say that it definitely wasn't as bad as I remember with Ava. I was on such a mommy high (you moms out there know what I'm talking about!) that I hardly felt tired. The second time around has been much more calm and laid back- those feelings of anxiety over every little cry are gone and so are the feelings of helplessness when you can't make the crying stop! So far, the transitions for everyone in the house (Ava and puppies included) have had few bumps in the road and we all seem to be adjusting nicely. Jason has been at home all week- thank goodness!- so he's been able to spend a lot of time with Ava and get her out of the house to play and get rid of some of her energy. Ava is in love with her little sister and has really been helpful with Caitlin. I'd say all in all we couldn't ask for a better response from Ava and hope that this trend continues!
Caitlin continues to grow and is sleeping really well- sometimes 5 hours in a row! We took her for her follow up doctor appointment and she has already gained an ounce. It doesn't seem like much, but I'd say majority of all babies lose weight after they leave the hospital, so our pediatrician was really pleased that she hadn't. I can already tell she will be a great eater. We got out Ava's baby pictures and Caitlin looks almost identical to her sister- only her face is a tiny bit rounder. Her hair doesn't seem like it will fall out, but I guess only time will tell. It's already a little bit lighter. Maybe she'll be a little blondie too?
These are some of our pics from the first week- lots of friends and family were able to stop by and visit. It was great to see everyone- thanks again for all the meals and presents and support!
We love you!

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