Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Fun Day with Friends

On Saturday, the Bishops came over to see Caitlin and let the kids play. We hung out at the pool for a little while and then ate a delicious lasagna and peach cobbler made by Nikki- thanks guys! Ava adores Christian and gets so excited to see him- they really play well together. Ava even shared her fruit snacks with Christian, which in her world is a really big deal! It was a great afternoon spent with friends, which was made even better by not having to cook. There are some serious perks to having a newborn :)

Seriously, aren't they adorable together?

Ben, Nikki and Collin

Ava and her Daddy

This is why Ava has more fun at the pool with her Daddy than with me- he throws her around the whole time!

Ava loved having the boys in her bath tub. Jason made it very clear to her that this was the last time any boy would see her naked

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