Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July and Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!!

Our Little Firecracker :)

On July 4th, we celebrated Grandma's 90th birthday at our house! Yes, that's right- one week after having Caitlin, we decided it would be a great idea to have 18 people over for dinner. It has been such a long time since all of my mom's side of the family has gotten together to visit and it was such a fun reason that everyone came in town. Grandma turned 90!! She normally hates to have any attention on her, much less BE the center of attention, but I know she was happy to have all of her kids and grandkids and great grandkids around her. All of my family came over in the afternoon for an early dinner of Williamson Brothers BBQ (the best barbeque in the south in my opinion!), pasta salad, corn on the cobb, fresh veggies and fresh fruit. Yummy! And for dessert, strawberry pretzel salad- always my birthday cake of choice, too. A huge thank you to Alina for providing most of the food- it was delicious! Everyone stayed to try to watch fireworks, but we could only see a few over the tree tops around our house.
While it was pretty hard on Jason and I to get the house cleaned and some of the food prepared all while adjusting to Caitlin, entertaining and hosting everyone at our house is one of my favorite things to do. I love having a busy and bustling house full of friends and family. Hopefully we will get everyone together again soon and not have to wait for Grandma's 95th for another reunion!

The birthday girl blowing out her candles- she had some help from Gavin and Ava

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Alina and my cousin Tommy starting the food line

Ava got in the spirit of the holiday and wore her crown (her words) most of the day

Feeding time was a family affair

Yes, that's Luke again, really enjoying the boppy

This picture is what started my aunt Bonnie harassing Lori about grandkids... you're next! :)

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