Sunday, July 5, 2009

Caitlin's First Bath

Caitlin loved her first bath. She was really alert and watched her big sister most of the time. It took me a few minutes to remember how to wash a newborn- Caitlin was so slippery!
Ava was really excited to take a bath with Caitlin. She helped wash her and kept pouring water on her to keep her warm. Then she decided that Caitlin's tub looked so nice and cozy that she just had to try it out for herself. A good time was had by all... until Caitlin peed on Jason. I guess no one warned him that it's not just little boys that react to the cold air :)

I was super excited to find these towels for Caitlin- two years after buying them for Ava! Seeing them hang next to each other made having two little girls seem a little bit more real. Jason and I are already talking about how we can renovate and make their bathroom bigger- the joys of having two girls... :)

My two bathing beauties

Kicking and splashing

What does this soap taste like?

This bathtub is just my size...

Feeling clean, refreshed and sleepy... after peeing on daddy, I'm ready for bed!

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