Caitlin continues to amaze me at how much she can learn and change in just a few days. Several times this month, I have gone into her room to get her in the morning and I swear she has grown overnight! She loves hugging and kissing her baby dolls and her little Mickey Mouse. She carries them around from room to room and they usually ride in the car with us. She is into everything she can get into- drawers that are not tot-locked, the pantry, the refrigerator- and pulling out or re-arranging the contents. She keeps us on our toes!

She loves spending time outside swinging, coloring with chalk or just taking Heidi for walks in her little red wagon. Often, she is running around after Ava trying to join in all the big girl things that Ava and our neighbors are doing. She loves giving high-fives to anyone that will indulge her and she is becoming so expressive with her hands when she "talks".

Caitlin continues to be a great sleeper. She is into a solid routine of an hour nap in the morning and an hour nap in the afternoon, going to bed at 8 and waking up at 7am. Several times this month, I tried to stretch her out in the morning and skip the morning nap, hoping for a longer afternoon nap, but to no avail. Once she fell asleep in her high chair during lunch and the other time she only slept for an hour and then was super cranky for the rest of the afternoon. I guess she is pretty set in her routine for now...

Eating is a constant adventure. She refuses to be fed by anyone but herself and wants to eat like a big girl like Ava. We have some very messy meals around here! She is getting good about poking her food with her fork and scooping with a spoon.

She babbles and talks and screeches all the time! She is getting good at mimicking words and expressions and loves to walk around "talking" on my cell phone. Some of her favorite words are "Hi!" and "Daddy" and she says "What's that?" and points to the item.

Sitting in the refrigerator is one of her favorite things to do. She takes the juice and milk out of the door and re-arranges them over and over until I get worried about the other food going bad. I keep a bowl of washed grapes in the fruit drawer and she will go into the drawer and pick the grapes off of the vine herself.
As each month flies by, I am hoping to find a way to slow time down. Every day is different and crazy but so much fun. I am so grateful that I am able to spend everyday with this sweet little girl~ I love you Caitlin!!