Friday, August 6, 2010

Family Pizza Night

For a long time now, Friday nights have been designated Pizza Night. I'm not sure how or why we started having pizza every Friday night, but Ava really looks forward to it and Caitlin can eat two pieces by herself! We usually end up ordering Papa Johns, but this week Jason bought some fresh pizza dough from Publix to try something different.

Jason has a secret talent of pizza dough tossing- doesn't he look like a professional?
If his other job doesn't work out, at least we have a back-up... :)

Ava is always a huge helper in the kitchen-
here she is crushing some pretzels for the dessert like a pro

Decorating the pizza was Ava's favorite part! She loved sprinkling the cheese and spreading the pepperoni, olives and mushrooms.

Caitlin wanted in on the cooking action- however, she was more interested in the pot holders as leg warmers than in the pizza

Our final product turned out delicious and the crust was surprisingly crispy. It was such a nice change to our Friday night pizza tradition and hopefully we will attempt it again. Yum!

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