Friday, August 27, 2010

TRAIN at Chastain!

Chastain is one of our favorite concert venues and we love Train! We were able to get tickets at the last minute and all the pieces fell into place for Jason and I to enjoy a date night out. We were both laughing on the way down to Buckhead that this was the first time in over 3 years that we had been in the car together with no kids and no car seats! It was strange looking in the backseat~ it felt like something was missing.
Following our Chastain tradition, we stopped at OK Cafe to pick up some food for dinner to accompany the chocolate covered strawberries and wine that we brought with us- yum! Train put on one of the best concerts I've seen since Billy Joel and Elton John. Maybe it was the wine, but we were both standing on our seats singing at the top of our lungs with everyone else in the audience. What an amazing concert and a fun night out!
Thanks honey for being the designated driver :)

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