Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Christian!

On Sunday, we got to join Christian in celebrating his 4th birthday at the Stars Soccer Club in Alpharetta. It happened to be one of the hottest days so far in August, but none of the kids seemed to mind. They would stop long enough to drink a juice box and then go back to running after the soccer ball. Ava had a blast, she was so excited to wear her soccer socks! Maybe she will be a future soccer player, who knows?
Happy Birthday Christian! We Love You!

Christian and Ava in action

Caitlin loved the soccer ball- she wouldn't let it out of her hands

This was the best I could do for a picture of the two of them together- they wouldn't stop long enough to get a decent picture!

After eating cake, most of the guests went home. Ava wanted to stay and help Christian open his gifts, she was the official toy tester. Notice their poor little red faces :)

I had to get a pic of Caitlin's sweaty faux-hawk- I loved her new do!

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