Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Princess Isa!

On Saturday, we went over to the Malcom's to celebrate Isa's 3rd birthday with a princess party! Ava spent most of the time outside with Isa and the rest of the kids in the bounce house and Caitlin had fun playing inside with Lillian, a little girl who's only a few months older. After most of the guests had left, Ava and Isa put on their princess dresses and played with all of Isa's new toys. I'm not sure if you can tell in the picture above, but those are purple and turquoise extensions in their hair! They looked gorgeous :)

Ava has my sweet tooth and gets really excited when the cake time comes at any party- this picture made me laugh because you see Ava licking her lips at that huge princess cake! Yum!

Caitlin loved playing with all of Isa's toys- peekaboo!

Rob and Colleen- still cute together!! I'm not sure if they will appreciate their picture on the post, but I love that I captured such a sweet moment.

The girls were so sweet playing together- Caitlin followed Lillian around for most of the party. Lillian was my cake icing buddy- I was sitting on the floor eating cake and she kept walking up to me and signing "please" for another bite of icing. What a sweetheart!

Caitlin didn't have a princess dress, but she was sporting her princess-in-training t-shirt!

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