Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Little Dancer...!

...started ballet today!

And she is sooo excited about it! I'm not sure if it is the influence of Angelina Ballerina or The Twelve Dancing Princesses, but Ava has been asking for a while to take ballet classes. She was finally old enough to start this year, so we signed her up! We took a trip to Center Stage on the square to get professional dance wear and get her fitted for ballet slippers. She thought it was so cool to be at Center Stage and see all the older girls that were there getting fitted for toe shoes. Ava was too excited to sit still for any pictures, but hopefully I'll get some good ones to post later on.
I was always in gymnastics growing up, so this is a totally new world for me. I will have to learn how to put Ava's hair up in a proper bun and I am nervous about just dropping her off to go into a class behind closed doors. I have to wait until November to be able to watch a class! Ava will dance in her first recital next year in May and I am so excited to see what she has learned. At the very least, maybe ballet will teach my sweet clumsy girl to have a little more grace :)

So excited... she was rocking back and forth in her new ballet slippers waiting for the doors to open!

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