Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Camping Day

This summer, Ava has had an amazing pre-school teacher! Ms. Debbie has created all sorts of new and fun activities and themes in her classroom. The first two weeks was Under the Sea and she actually built an aquarium that the kids could go into and then they had an ice cream week where she built an ice cream truck that the kids on Friday got to "sell" ice cream and popsicles to all of the other kids at school. Ms. Debbie has such a tremendous passion for teaching these kids in a fun and exciting environment!

This week is camping week and yes, their classroom is decked in floor to ceiling pine trees complete with a campfire and even a play Coleman grill to cook on! I wish that I had thought to take my camera to school so you can see Ms. Debbie's set design :) On Friday, the kids are asked to bring in their sleeping bags and pillows so that they can roast marshmallows and tell stories around the campfire.

Of course, Ava wanted a sleeping bag for camping day and of course it had to be princess! She was so excited that we even got her a little purple battery operated lantern to take with her. The pictures I took don't really do the story any justice. Ava has slept in her sleeping bag instead of her bed the past few nights, she has napped in it, and now she just wants to lay around in it when she watches TV. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't think about using it to slide down the stairs like I did when I was her age :)
You can see the little purple lantern at the bottom of this picture- it has to follow the sleeping bag wherever it goes and it is on day or night!

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