Friday, August 13, 2010

Finding Nemo with Friends

On Friday night, Ava and I met with Lincoln and his Dad for another chaperoned date night. This time it was for a showing of Finding Nemo at Lincoln's church. Lincoln also invited another couple from their school, Addison and Luke. Addison has been one of Ava and Lincoln's friends since she was an infant. It was such a fun night of shared popcorn and fruit snacks!
Luke didn't make it past the first 30 minutes of the movie- he finished his bag of popcorn and told his mom that he wanted to go home. So, for the rest of the show, Ava, Addison and Lincoln played musical chairs and talked and laughed. Thank goodness there were only other little kids in attendance so no one seemed to mind the extra soundtrack.
We tried to get a few pictures of all three of the kids after the movie was over, but Lincoln was either too tired or tired of being the third wheel to these giggling little girls- he refused to get in the picture. Check out his pose in the picture below! I'm sure when he is older he will realize his mistake- not to have gotten picture proof that he went on a date with two pretty girls :)

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