Caitlin has had a fascination with the lawn mower since she was old enough to realize what Jason was doing outside and she loves to watch him mow the grass through the windows or to run outside and say hi and watch him work. So, for her birthday we bought Caitlin her very own bubble mower to use with Daddy.

She was super excited and kept pointing to her little pink mower and saying "Caitlin's lawn mower?" as if she didn't quite think it was hers to keep.
Caitlin got right out in the yard with Jason and kept pace with him for about a quarter of the lawn and then became more interested in the bubbles than the mowing part.

Caitlin loves to help with cooking dinner, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, taking the dishes out of the dishwasher and now mowing the lawn... I'm starting to feel guilty not giving her an allowance. What's the going rate for a two year old?? :)
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