Along with being on swim team, having sleep-overs and owning American Girl dolls, Ava has been asking to get her ears pierced! Every time I turn around, Ava looks and acts older- where is the pause button??
I have always said that Ava could get her ears pierced when she wants to get them done- little did I know it would be when she was so young... my words have come back to haunt me. I wonder how many times this will happen with the girls in the future? :)
I was 5 when I got my ears pierced, so I guess 4 isn't that far off. Jason and I wanted it to be a surprise for Ava, so after attending a birthday party, I told Ava we were going to meet Daddy and Caitlin at the mall to do some shopping and have dinner. We met them right in front of Claire's and then told Ava the real reason we were there.

She was so excited... and not nervous at all!! I was WAY more nervous about how she would react once those piercing guns got near her ears. However, we warned her that the sound would be loud and it wouldn't hurt any more than getting a shot at the doctor's office, and it seemed to work. She didn't flinch or cry at all! What a BIG girl!

This was taken right after they did it... you can tell by the look on her face that she wasn't quite sure how to react. Then as soon as we told her how beautiful her new earrings looked and what a big girl she was, she started smiling and showing off her ears.

To me, Ava looks like she could be 8 years old in this picture... I would love for time to SLOW down! I don't want my little girl to grow up too fast. But... at the same time, I am SO proud of Ava and what a strong and confident person she is becoming.

Now with all the attention Ava is getting over her ears, Caitlin is asking to get her ears pierced too!
No way, babe- you have to wait until you're at least 4 :)
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