June 26, 2010
Dear Caitlin,
Happy Birthday Baby Girl! You turned two today and it is hard for me to believe that another year has flown by! I was looking back over the months of pictures and it makes me a little sad to see how much you have grown up and changed over such a short time.
You are officially a full-fledged toddler and you fight for your independence daily! You tell me "No, I do it" anytime you feel like you are getting short-changed out of doing something for yourself. You like to put on your shoes by yourself, open granola bars and fruit snacks yourself, put the lids on your sippy cups yourself (this one can get messy), brush your teeth by yourself, and on and on and on... if it's something that you just physically can't master yet or it is something that is too dangerous for you and I won't let you try, you can blow into a pretty impressive tantrum. These are the moments that remind me that we are entering the two's! :)
You love exploring- your curiosity is so fun to watch. You love going out on our front porch and looking for little snails or ants- you were amazed the other day by a lizard that ran across our driveway. You love to ask "what's that?" and "what doing?" when Daddy or I are doing anything of interest. You want us to stop and explain to you what we're doing and then you usually ask to help or want to join in. While sometimes it can take twice as long for us to finish what we are doing, I love watching your brain work and absorb all of the new things you are learning about. I hope that you never lose that natural curiosity and love of learning- it will carry you so far in this world!

You are officially a full-fledged toddler and you fight for your independence daily! You tell me "No, I do it" anytime you feel like you are getting short-changed out of doing something for yourself. You like to put on your shoes by yourself, open granola bars and fruit snacks yourself, put the lids on your sippy cups yourself (this one can get messy), brush your teeth by yourself, and on and on and on... if it's something that you just physically can't master yet or it is something that is too dangerous for you and I won't let you try, you can blow into a pretty impressive tantrum. These are the moments that remind me that we are entering the two's! :)
You love exploring- your curiosity is so fun to watch. You love going out on our front porch and looking for little snails or ants- you were amazed the other day by a lizard that ran across our driveway. You love to ask "what's that?" and "what doing?" when Daddy or I are doing anything of interest. You want us to stop and explain to you what we're doing and then you usually ask to help or want to join in. While sometimes it can take twice as long for us to finish what we are doing, I love watching your brain work and absorb all of the new things you are learning about. I hope that you never lose that natural curiosity and love of learning- it will carry you so far in this world!

You love to dress up and your sense of style is pretty creative. Even at two, you know what you want to wear and exactly what you don't want to wear. Recently, you have been on a leotard kick, but when I can convince you to wear something (anything else), you usually pick out your favorite tea pot shirt. I think it is because we have so much fun singing "I'm a little tea pot" through out the day, but whatever the reason is, it is going to be a sad day when you grow out of it. I can't wait to see how your fashion sense develops... I have to be honest, I am kind of hoping that you choose a cute and preppy style, but, I will love you no matter what you choose to wear- promise.

I don't know if you know this yet, but you have the best Daddy in the whole wide world. He loves you and Ava so much. He works hard all day and then nothing makes him happier than coming home to your hugs and kisses. He plays chase with you, spins you around constantly, takes you to the pool and he even likes going shoe shopping! Seriously, you are so lucky.
When you are a teenager and Daddy is being annoying or totally unfair about boys, just remember, he only has your best interests at heart.

Of course, you both have your ways of annoying each other and getting on each others nerves- you love to take the toy or doll out of Ava's hands without asking or she wants to hug you or mess with you right after you've woken up from your nap and you definitely take a little while to wake up... but, for the most part you and Ava share an amazing bond and I hope that it will only grow and get stronger over time.
You love to move and shake it! You jump, spin, dance and twirl all day long at any given opportunity. We have frequent dance parties where you, Ava and I turn the music up and dance around the living room without a care in the world. Your face lights up when the music comes on and you like to hold my hand and spin around the room. These are some of our best times together- the ones that I will remember forever.

You are so flexible and focused for your age- many parents comment on it when you are in class. It makes me SO proud to watch you doing something that you truly enjoy and of course as your parents we will always think that you are amazing at anything you try to do, but it helps to hear that other parents think you are great, too! :)

Let me tell you baby girl... you inherited my sweet tooth! You could eat ice cream for breakfast, cookies for lunch and cake for dinner and you would be totally and blissfully content.
In your Easter basket this year from Uncle Tony and Aunt Alina, they brought you and your sister each, among other things, a huge chocolate bunny. No one thought anything of it as you and Ava were pulling out bubbles and sidewalk chalk and all kinds of fun things. A little while later, we realized that we had not heard from you in a few minutes and I went searching to find where you were hiding. I found you in the play room in the corner chowing down on that chocolate bunny! It had only been a few minutes, but you had already made it through both ears and most of the head!! No one even knew you had taken the bunny out of your basket! You made me and Daddy laugh for quite a while that day... :)

And speaking of food, you are not a normal toddler when it comes to eating. Most kids your age love hot dogs, macaroni and cheese and chicken tenders- but not you. You have a very grown up food palette- you like chips and salsa, guacamole, steak and spicy szechuan stir fry. I can't wait to share many meals with you of chips and salsa, queso and eventually (in many, many years) margaritas! :)

The one thing you are not a big fan of is riding in your car seat. I'm not sure if you get bored, or feel uncomfortable or get car sick- but you do not like riding back there. It takes a lot of preparation and planning if we are going anywhere over 15 minutes. I have to pack snacks, games, books, juice... anything I can think of that will keep you occupied and it goes in the bag!

You are definitely Mommy's Little Helper. You help take the dishes out of the dishwasher, you help make dinner, bake cookies, unpack groceries and lately you will just pull up a chair from the kitchen table to hang out with me at the bar. You love to spray Windex on all of our glass doors, mirrors and glass coffee tables and you are also a huge fan of vacuuming. Now, if only I can figure out a way for you to help with the mopping, we'd be all set! :)
My sweet girl, nothing makes me happier than being your mommy. Sometimes when I think about you and Ava, it feels like my heart might burst right out of my chest- even as I am writing these words, I am tearing up. And while that sounds really sentimental and will probably be embarrassing to you in a few short years- I hope you never have reason to doubt how much I love you. I know Daddy and I tell you that everyday, but I hope that you truly hear it and feel it and grow to fully understand the depth of our love for you.
Caitlin, I LOVE being your mommy. You are so special and you bring so much joy to our family. I can't wait to watch you grow and blossom this year!
Love you Caitlin-boo,

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