Caitlin's birthday fell on a Saturday, so we were able to have her party on her actual birthday. Because we have friends with kids of all ages, mostly older and not so many younger, we decided to hold it at Swift-Cantrell Park. I was so stressed out thinking about it raining that day, that I didn't even think to worry about the heat! We were so lucky to have an overcast day and it ended up being ok.
Caitlin's favorite fruit at the moment is strawberries, so of course it was an easy choice for a theme and then I saw these amazing invitations and favors from Nico and Lala and that sealed the deal!
Caitlin was a champ at eating her cake. She had no problem digging in and chowing down. I am pretty sure she would have eaten the entire thing had we not stopped her. It's a good thing I over-ordered the cake so that Caitlin and I could share leftovers for the next few days :)
Caitlin's first birthday was so low maintenance and so low key that I actually got a chance to take pictures and talk to everyone that came- I may host the next few birthdays at the park again! A huge and special thanks to Nonna and Grandpa Steve for helping with the decorating and set-up and hussling the girls out the door. We actually beat all of our guests to the party, which never would have happened without their help. Thank you to everyone for celebrating with us and driving from far away to join in the fun.
The birthday girl showing off her new kicks
Amazing favors from Nico and Lala
check them out

I loved how the cake turned out...
so pretty and yummy too!

Patiently waiting for cake!

First bites...

Still going strong...

Thank goodness Nonna was sharing her water- Caitlin is obsessed!

Ava and Christian... nothin' but trouble!

Uncle Nunu

Aunt Nikki

Aunt Lauren
Caitlin says hi!
The Malcom's... soon to be a family of four!
Isa gets a gold star for being dressed in theme
Megan and Sydney
Sydney was Caitlin's one friend there that was her age, they are friends from Open Arms

Katie and Megan
better known as The Neighbors
Uncle Ben and Collin
Collin did not want his picture taken
Aunt Lauri
We tried to get a decent picture, but this was the best of all of them...
go figure, Caitlin is not even looking

Mrs. Rainbow
Caitlin does not know it yet, but she will be spoiled rotten
I love this picture... we really did tell them to smile

Carmen and Nikki
Looking Good



Dylan and Maddy

The Birthday Girl was coming off of her sugar high at this point

Uncle Tony
Professional Bubble Blower and Child Whisperer
Just pulling out of the parking lot...
I'd say the party was a success!