What an incredible, life-changing year it's been! When I think back to the day Caitlin was born, I can remember it like it was yesterday and this past year feels like it has passed in a flash. That first week home, when we were first getting to know her and learn her personality, we found out she had some lungs on her!! She still has the same high-pitched scream when she throws her pacifier over the side of her crib when she is trying to fight sleep. She is still a snuggler and loves to be held, but she can be fiesty and has a stubborn streak and a fiery little temper if she doesn't get her way. I love how she is learning to communicate and say "Hi, Dada!" when she sees Jason... or Heidi :) and will shake her head and her hands if she doesn't want something or she will kick her feet and clap her hands when she is excited. I love watching her flip her tongue upside down and rub it across her gums incessantly (we are hoping across a tooth!) while she is playing and how she will pretend to sneeze or blow her nose in a tissue and then crack up laughing at herself. I love how she pats Ava's back when Ava is crying and how excited Caitlin gets to go wake up Ava in the morning. I love how she dances when she hears music and how she claps when other people clap, even if it is a show on tv. I love her daring heart as she climbs up and over chairs, the fireplace, in and out of the ball pit- this girl has no fear! I love her curiosity, even if it means putting her hands in the dog bowl for the 4th time that day or pulling all the toilet paper off of the roll.
But most of all, I love how complete she makes our little family. How much she has enhanced our lives beyond measure and how lucky and blessed we are to be able to watch over and guide her little life.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Caitlin!!
We have loved watching you grow and learn this past year... we can't wait to see what your future holds!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
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