Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pool Playdate

It is a rare occasion when all the stars align and everyone's schedule is open for the kids to get together and play, and so it was particularly nice on this Wednesday that we could join Emmie and Kim, Lexi, Kyle and Lauren, at Maddy, Dylan and Jen's neighborhood pool for a playdate. We packed a lunch and enjoyed a fun afternoon swimming and splashing around. Hopefully we'll get a chance to do it one more time before the kids have to go back to school.

The girls in their wobble goggles

Posing for a few pictures after lunch

Dylan and Ava
Two cute little blondies

"Dylan, I said, stop grabbing my hiney!"

Caitlin and I were enjoying the baby pool until the big kids decided it looked like fun

Lexi and Kyle came a little later since they had to eat lunch with their grandparents

I thought Ava was looking particularly cute with her suntan after the pool, but I'm biased :)

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