It is always fun to see which animal Ava picks to ride on- she always gives them a name and then talks to them for most of the ride! Here she can be seen riding on her elephant, Sassy.
After our usual meal of Subway (for me and Ava) and teriyaki chicken for Jason and Caitlin, we head to the Disney store! And as always, Ava has to try on the newest princess gown. Isn't Ariel beautiful?
The princess and her prince
Caitlin is cracking up at Ava in her costume- think we could convince Caitlin to wear a Flounder costume for Halloween?
After the Disney store, we head to the 'dollhouse store'- otherwise known as, Mommy's favorite store, otherwise known as, Pottery Barn Kids. Ava loves playing 'family' in the dollhouse or cooking in the play kitchen while I shop :)
On our way out, we have been stopping for an ice cream cone while we sit and feed Caitlin her bottle. Ever since being introduced, Ava's favorite flavor of ice cream is dulce de leche. It usually raises a few eyebrows when Ava orders it- her pronunciation is perfect!

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