Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Before Picture...

One of my goals this year was to clean out this catch-all little room and transform it into a craft room. I have tons and tons of art supplies, scrapbooking supplies, gift wrapping supplies, pictures, picture frames, etc, etc, etc... you get the picture! This room was originally designated the craft room and I just never got around to pulling it together. Now, after two years living in our house and with some extra time on my hands, I have no excuse not to clean it up and out!

I am embarassed to even post this picture because it is so bad! But... I figure if I post these pictures than the whole blogger community can hold me accountable to cleaning out this room!

I posted this picture because it not only shows you a different part of the room, but also how it got this way! :) No, Ava and Caitlin were not the only cause of the mess, but they love to play with all the art supplies and they have not mastered cleaning up after themselves yet!

The final corner of the room. The random shelf in the room (which was there when we moved in) quickly became my gift shelf. Seriously, I would love to know what the family before us used it for...

I will keep you posted and hopefully will post After pictures soon... wish me luck! I'm thinking turquoise for the walls.... :)

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