Saturday, June 12, 2010

Quick Trip to White Water

In between rain showers, the girls and I met Kim and Emmie, Jen and Don at White Water on Friday afternoon for a fun playdate. White Water had just given their toddler area a complete makeover and I was eager to check it out. The new Wiggles Water World was great! Very colorful, lots of slides and the whole thing was covered in tire rubber so that the ground was pretty soft. It was also super slippery so Ava wiped out quite a few times. The only complaint I had was that they play Wiggles music the whole time... thank goodness that is not a show we watch in our house! Thanks for the guest pass Kim- you're the best!

Despite every picture I got of her, Caitlin had a pretty good time. She loved all the water fountains. This is probably the picture where she is scowling the least- doesn't she look thrilled to be there? Not quite sure what was going on with my hand...

The girls took a break from running around to hang out with Caitlin

Ava in action- no time to stop for pictures!

Caitlin handled skipping her afternoon nap pretty well- however, at the end of the day, puffs were the only thing that made her happy. I love her little rosy cheeks in this picture.

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