The biggest update is that Swoozie's has gone out of business and I am out of a job. I have worked for Swoozie's for the past 5 years and I am worn out mentally, physically and emotionally. I am looking forward to taking a little time off to spend some time at home with the girls and decompress- the whole bankruptcy and liquidation process has left me with a very bitter view of corporate america and I need to find my happy place before presenting my best self at an interview.
Ava is 3 going on 18. She continues to amaze Jason and I with her intelligence (no really, my child is a genius! :)...), her funny personality and her huge heart. I love how her humor is developing- she has just started telling knock knock jokes and she thinks they are hysterical! Everyone knows the one that goes orange you glad I didn't say banana, right? Ava's version is this:
Ava: Knock Knock
Me: Who's There?
Ava: Strawberry
Me: Strawberry who?
Ava: Orange you glad I didn't say pineapple!!
and then she rolls on the floor laughing... I guess she will just be cheesy like her Daddy :) She adores her baby sister and is sweet and loving and 80% of the time is great at sharing. The other 20%, well... let's just say we still have some work to do.

Caitlin is almost a year old. It really pains me to say that- this past year was a blur and I'm not really sure when we stopped calling her Baby Caitlin. But at some point she has turned into this crawling, pulling up, trying to walk and talk little personality. Wait- I mean BIG personality. She has way more sass than Ava ever did- and she is so stubborn! I have a feeling I may have my hands full with her the older that she gets. She refuses any kind of baby food- wants only what we are eating (zero teeth at this point) and has just learned to drink from a sippy cup and what we call a "big girl cup". I'm thinking she is just about to refuse her bottle all together! Jason got a funny video of her first taste of orange juice. Hopefully it will be posted soon- hey, anything is faster that 10 1/2 months, right??

Jason and I are about to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary together... I know, I know. I can't believe I have put up with him that long either :) And we were finally able to take our first vacation since our honeymoon to Disney World!! This was the first year that we weren't buying a house or paying for a maternity leave...! It was a fantastic and memorable trip and I will post those pictures, too.
So now that I have finished what feels like it should have been sent with a Christmas card, I hope my one faithful reader is happy I have updated :)
Stay tuned- lots and lots and lots of pictures and stories to follow...
So now that I have finished what feels like it should have been sent with a Christmas card, I hope my one faithful reader is happy I have updated :)
Stay tuned- lots and lots and lots of pictures and stories to follow...
1 comment:
Welcome back! Guess at least two readers enjoyed hearing what's up with you :). Sorry to hear about Swoozie's, that sounds like a painful end to an otherwise good experience with them. And some time off sounds like the perfect way to decompress!
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