Thursday, July 1, 2010

Photo Shoot with Kelley :)

As the girls are growing older and Caitlin is now more mobile, it has been harder than ever to capture some pictures of them together. My friend from Swoozie's, Kelley McIntosh, has an amazing camera and she takes beautiful pictures! With us being unemployed at the moment and having a little extra time on our hands, she offered to take some pictures of the girls.
Kelley has way more patience than I do and she was so sweet to spend several hours with us! We brought several wardrobe changes, but as you will see, once Ava was in her turquoise dress- she would not change. No bribery's of Chick-fil-A milkshakes would change her mind. Ava is normally my sweet, easy-going child, but apparently she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. She didn't really want to look at the camera, much less smile. Caitlin followed her sister's lead and didn't want to sit in the same place for more than a second, didn't want to look up, didn't want Ava touching her in the slightest... seriously, I was ready to call it quits after the first 30 minutes, but luckily Kelley trudged on.
After taking a few pictures in her grandmother's backyard by the lake, we finally ended in downtown Dallas at an old train depot that has these amazing turquoise doors. They are old and rustic and gorgeous. Caitlin took a nap on the drive over and woke up in a better mood and Ava even smiled for a few pictures. I have all the respect in the world for photographers who deal with this day in and day out and still manage to get that perfect shot!
Thank you Kelley for all your patience in the hot sun with the girls and introducing us to the beautiful turquoise doors! Despite all odds, we got some great pictures and I love them :)
With the one above, these are some of my favorites:

And some of the out- takes :)

If looks could kill...

Fine, I'll touch the stupid purple flower...

Hmmm... how can I get out of this photo shoot??
Should I fake a stomach ache?

No caption needed... this one just made me laugh!

Gotta love this face!

It was touch and go for a while, but luckily no one ended up in the fountain!

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