Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Twinkies

We had such a relaxing 4th of July! It was the first one I have spent at home in 5 years. It is a holiday that I have always had to work- what a treat to have everyone at home together. We spent the morning at the pool and then came home for some naps for the girls. While they were sleeping, I finished making my obligatory strawberry pretzel salad (yum!), buffalo chicken dip, and Jason made some amazing wings! We packed up the girls and the food and headed over the Malcoms' house.
Ava and Isa had on the same dress! No pre-planning on anyone's parts, I promise. Ava and Isa loved the fact that they were dressed alike and giggled about it for the rest of the evening. The girls played with sparklers and poppers after dinner and had a blast. The best part about it was that no one's hair caught on fire :)
What a nice and relaxing holiday- Happy 4th everyone!

The Twinkies

They loved playing with sparklers- at first they were standing next to each other, but we quickly realized that sparks were flying way too close to the girls' ponytails, and we had to separate them.

The daddies were in charge of the fun

Sweet girl

Isa was writing her name and drawing shapes

Caitlin was hanging out with Aunt Jen and had a nice seat on soon-to-come Baby Bode

Jason was explaining the dangers of fire mixed with hair to the girls

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