Saturday, July 3, 2010

And Finally... The After Picture!

After over 2 years in our house, the "craft room" can now legitimately be called a craft room! There is a lovely shade of turquoise paint on the walls, an amazing elfa shelf storage unit in place, the random shelf on the wall has been taken down, old wrapping paper has been thrown out and random bags of stuff have been sorted. This was a task that I figured would be put off indefinitely, so it feels like a major accomplishment to have it finished. Of course, "finished" is only a relative term- I would still like to add curtains and artwork and a new desk in here, but the main dirty work is done and I will take the rest one step at a time.

So.... drum roll, please....


... and AFTER

... and AFTER

I love this elfa shelving unit- it is one of the only positive things that came out of the Swoozie's liquidation sale! :)

And just so you can see that I didn't just throw things out of bags and boxes into the shelves, here is my ribbon drawer- organized by color, of course!

I am in love with my new greeting card organizer
I know, I know... organizing is a sickness and I can't help it!!
Maybe there is a group I can join??

Some of my new favorite pictures of the girls, all ready to be hung, as soon as I am 100% positive that I'm going to keep this layout of the room

I am soo excited to actually use this room for more than just storage... on to tackle the laundry room next! :)

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