Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ava's Prince Charming

Ava had a play date today with Lincoln, her first serious boyfriend. If I call Lincoln her boyfriend, she is usually quick to correct me and say, "No, Lincoln is my Prince"... geez, mom. We were supposed to meet at the pool, but unfortunately the pool was closed for cleaning, hence Ava wearing her bathing suit for most of the morning. So we headed back to our house to let the kids play. Lincoln, was a typical boy who wanted to play chase and jump in the ball pit, and Ava was a typical girl who wanted Lincoln to play house with her and dress up. Right before they had lunch, they snuggled up on the couch together and I was able to snap a few photos of the two of them looking like an old married couple, watching a Care Bears movie, of course.
Their love affair started when they were only 6 months old and fate brought them together in the same class at Open Arms. They got to know each other in the cozy corner and shared puffs in their bumbo seats. It was rumored that Ava even tried to share her pacifier with Lincoln, but that was never confirmed. It wasn't until the big Halloween Parade that they went public with their relationship.

Their relationship hasn't been one free of scandal. There were reports that Lincoln was seen holding hands with another girl on the playground last year and just last month Ava was chasing another boy- there was even a biting incident once, but no one brings that up anymore. All was forgiven between the two and we are happy to report that Lincoln has asked Ava's daddy to marry Ava. Ava has been promised to Lincoln as long as they are both 35 and Lincoln promises to live next door, cheer for the yellow jackets and vote Republican :)

We are happy that these two have worked things out and are now planning their lavish fairy-tale wedding in which Ava plans to wear her Cinderella princess wedding gown designed by Disney and for Lincoln to wear his "prince-suit". We hope that they enjoy a long life together and live happily ever after! You saw it here first! Their first official kiss on camera...

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