Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where have we been?

It all started on a dark and stormy night, the rain was pouring down in sheets, the wind was howling, lightning was flashing in the sky... and then our power went out. The next day when I went to check my email, I realized that our home computer got fried! What, no surge protector you ask? Rest assured, we have one. Every other electronic device in our office is plugged into it except for our PC... I promise both Jason and I graduated from Tech :)
As I'm writing this, it's actually Ocober 1st and that computer is still not fixed, but I have gotten over using Jason's business laptop. I normally don't feel comfortable using his laptop for personal things, but we just got back from an amazing week at the beach and I'm dying to post the pictures! I will try to skim through the last two months as quickly as possible so I can get onto the good stuff. To my faithful readers, you two know who you are, thanks for your patience :)

Just a little teaser...

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