Monday, July 26, 2010

Lucky 13

Another month- totally flying by and Caitlin seems to change just as quickly! She is picking up new skills daily and really growing in confidence and personality. She doesn't say very many words yet, but she can definitely communicate what she wants! or better yet what she doesn't want. We read several stories before nap times and bed time. If I choose a book she doesn't want to read, she shakes her head "no" and pushes the book away, if she is done with her meal she has been known to push her plate and the rest of her food off of her high chair! She is completely opinionated... I wonder who she gets that from?? :)

She has taken several steps, but is still pretty wobbly. She is getting bumps and bruises all over from her falls- I have forgotten how scary it is to watch your child try to walk!! At first, I thought that Caitlin was just more of a klutz than Ava was since I couldn't remember Ava having such dramatic falls as Caitlin and then I remembered that we used to hover like helicopters over her to catch her before she fell. Poor little second child... :)

Caitlin is down to one bottle at night, I am anxiously waiting for the first night that I don't have to wash any more bottles, but I know that it will be bitter sweet since that is a major part of her turning into a toddler and no longer being a baby. She still has no teeth and I adore her toothless grin!

She loves to blow kisses, even though she won't perform that trick on command. And, my favorite thing is that Caitlin adores Ava and wants to be doing whatever Ava is doing. She follows her around the house and wants to play with every toy that Ava has- even the one in Ava's hand! We are still working with Caitlin on not grabbing toys and we are having to explain to Ava that it's actually a compliment that Caitlin keeps taking her toys- Ava doesn't quite believe that explanation yet...

Another month gone in a blink of an eye and I am loving every minute of it. I am so grateful that I am able to be at home to watch Caitlin grow and change. What a joy she is to us and I am so blessed to be her mommy. Love you sweet girl!!

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