Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hannah and Maggie's Visit

On July 12, cousin Hannah and her friend Maggie came all the way from Iowa to stay with us. That's right people, we had 2 teenagers in our house for 12 days... How were we going to entertain 2 teenagers while entertaining 2 toddlers at the same time? We hit the bigger malls, the laser show, the Aquarium, White Water, Six Flags, Wild Wings (yum!), Fellini's (double yum!), the movies, hung out at the pool... it was a two week whirlwind and I have to be honest, I am pretty exhausted! I wish I could sleep in until noon just once... :)
Ava loved having them here- every morning at 8 am she wanted to wake the girls up to play with her, it was all I could do to convince her to let them sleep in! She loved it when they braided her hair or let her hang out in their room like one of the big girls. She was so sad to see them leave today- she's already asking to go spend the night with them at her house. I'm not sure she realizes just how far of a trip it is :)
We hope you had fun, Hannah and Maggie! Thanks for coming to visit us!

Hannah and Ava

Maggie and Caitlin

The Aquarium was so busy we only stayed for an hour before heading to Fellini's (yum!) for lunch- where did all those people come from? Doesn't anyone work anymore?? :)

Ava thought she was so cool...

Caitlin was having fun too!

On their way to the airport,
Ava didn't want them to be sad so she shared her snugglies with them

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