Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Completely Obsessed

My name is Allison Stein and I am a photo-aholic.

There. I said it and now I feel better... I'm addicted to taking pictures- or in this case, getting pictures taken, especially of the girls. This latest round was taken by our favorite local photographer Jason Pendley www.jasonpendley.com and I love how they turned out! Originally, I wanted to take some photos to put in Caitlin's thank you notes from her birthday (shame on me, I still have to write them!) and I also wanted to have some pictures of the girls together at this age. For Ava's birthday pictures we have always gone to Portrait Innovations, but all of our photos recently have all had the same background and they are all starting to look the same. So, for these we went for the creative, less posed approach.

For those of you that actually read the blogs and not just glance at the pictures, YES- this is the same turquoise dress that Ava wore in the last photo session and YES- I did try to talk her out of wearing it again and NO- obviously, it didn't work. Oh well... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will love a different outfit for her 4 year old pictures! :)

I think these are amazing and here are some of my favorites:

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