Monday, July 5, 2010

91 Years Young

Happy 91st Birthday Grandma!

My sweet grandma turned 91 today and we were able to cook her dinner at our house to celebrate. Grandma, who never wants anyone to cook her anything special or do anything for her, specifically requested a pineapple upside down cake for her birthday.
Growing up, we were only able to see Grandma two or three times a year, since we lived 9 or 10 hours away (depending on who was driving), but now, she lives a mere 20 minutes away and I feel so lucky that Ava and Caitlin get to see her every few weeks. Ava adores her and loves to hold her soft hands (Grandma has the softest hands in the world- she says it is from washing dishes all those years) and now Caitlin is getting to know her namesake, too. I love the pictures that we were able to get of the two of them together on her birthday! I hope that they will be able to hear all of Grandma's stories about when she was a little girl and all the trouble that she and her other 11 brothers and sisters got into.
I can only hope that I look as good as she does on my 91st birthday.
We Love You!! Here's to many more pineapple upside down cakes! :)

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