Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Sydney!

This Saturday, we were double booked with birthday parties so Jason and I split up and took the girls their own separate ways. Caitlin and I went to celebrate her friend Sydney's first birthday. Caitlin had a blast- there was a bucket full of bubbles and bubble wands, sprinklers, and lots of water toys. It was so much fun to watch these newly walking girls toddle around and play with all their friends. Happy Birthday Sweet Sydney!

Caitlin and Sydney have been friends since the very beginning :) Her mommy, Megan and I had many playdates at Monkey Joes while we were both on maternity leave!

Sydney and her mommy, Megan

Eating lunch at the table like a big girl

The birthday girl right before she started digging into that smash cake :)

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