Friday, July 2, 2010

Ava's 4th Annual 4th of July Parade

It is hard to believe that this is Ava's 4th, 4th of July Parade at Open Arms. It is always fun to see all the hats and decorations that the teachers and kids create. This year the weather did not cooperate and it started raining right before the parade was supposed to start. So, the patriotic music blasted inside the lobby and the kids marched up and down the hallways instead of around the parking lot.

Ava proudly waves her flag!
An action shot
Ava was too busy enjoying marching in the parade to stop and take a picture!

Daddy and Caitlin came to cheer Ava on!

Ava was especially happy that her boyfriend Lincoln (or as he is otherwise known, her prince) was there- they haven't seen each other much over the summer and she has missed him!

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